Tuna Battle off the Barbary Coast
Photo: Libby MillerSea Shepherd’s Operation Blue Rage 2011 has certainly enraged Tunisian fishermen operating on Melita Bank, roughly 70 nautical miles off the Libyan coast and 20 miles inside the NATO no fly zone.
At 0600 hours, the Sea Shepherd vessels Steve Irwin and Brigitte Bardot approached a number of Tunisian-registered tuna seiners to inspect their operations.
The Sea Shepherd Conservation Society is searching only for illegal fishing operations.
“We are not here to protest legal fishing, we’re here to stop illegal fishing so any legal operation has no cause to be concerned about our presence in these waters,” said Captain Paul Watson.
It quickly became apparent that the seven vessels and two floating tuna cages were suspicious. The attitude of the fishermen was clearly hostile and they refused to answer if they had an ICCAT (International Commission on the Conservation of Atlantic Tuna) inspector onboard. They refused to allow an inspection of the cages.
At 0920 hours one of the fishing vessels radioed the French Navy and claimed that Sea Shepherd was attacking them and cutting their nets. This was absolutely not true.
The Sea Shepherd Delta inflatable attempted to inspect the tuna cage but was attacked by two small boats throwing chunks of metal at the Sea Shepherd crew.
At 0940 hours a French naval jet flew over numerous times to document the situation.
At 1130 hours the seven seiners were joined by another seiner. All the vessels are flying a Tunisian flag. The vessels appealed to the French Navy for protection.
Sea Shepherd is remaining with these vessels until an ICCAT inspector can found to communicate with. The regulations require these vessels to have an ICCAT inspector onboard. We have not had any response to our request to speak with an ICCAT inspector to determine the legality of this operation.
July 17th, 2011
Operation Blue Rage 2011 Commences: Sea Shepherd Departs for Hostile Libyan Waters to Save Tuna
Photo: Michelle McCarronOperation Blue Rage, Sea Shepherd Conservation Society’s bluefin tuna defense campaign, kicked off today with the departure of two of their ships from the port of Toulon, France. The Dutch flagged Steve Irwin and the Australian flagged Brigitte Bardot departed from the port of Toulon, France today bound for the waters of war-torn Libya. Sea Shepherd’s mission is to search out and intercept bluefin tuna poaching operations of vessels taking advantage of the war to illegally catch this highly endangered fish.
The two ships departed from Toulon ahead of their 1500 hour scheduled departure in order to avoid the threat of an attack by angry French fishermen, attempting to prevent the departure of the Sea Shepherd ships.
Forty-six volunteer crewmembers make up the Sea Shepherd crew, including 18 women and 28 men, all of whom are prepared to undertake action despite the risks of confronting poachers in hostile Libyan waters. The crew represents 17 nationalities, including 10 European Union member nations. The represented nations onboard are: Australia, Belgium, Canada, Ecuador, France, Germany, Greece, India, Ireland, Italy, New Zealand, Netherlands, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, the United Kingdom, and the United States of America.
Operation Blue Rage 2011 is focused on intervening against any bluefin fishing operations taking place in the area off the Libyan coast, a region closed to the exploitation of bluefin tuna by the International Commission on the Conservation of Atlantic Tuna (ICCAT) and the European Union fishing commission.
“Our mission is simple,” said Captain Watson. “Any tuna fishing vessel we find off the Libyan coast will be operating illegally. We will cut their nets, free the fish, and document and report their operations to ICCAT and the European Union.”
“I am constantly asked if this is a dangerous operation,” commented Captain Watson. “Of course it’s a dangerous mission, that’s why were the only group going into this warzone. We go where no one else dares to go and we do what no one else has the guts to do – uphold international conservation law.”
During the inaugural Operation Blue Rage campaign in June of 2010, the Steve Irwin intercepted a tuna poaching operation off the Libyan coast. Sea Shepherd cut the nets and freed more than 800 bluefin tuna.
“We suspect that it will be a much easier task this year,” said Captain MacLean. “Every fishing boat in this area is a target for intervention and we have no need to worry about Libyan planes or naval vessels. We will keep NATO forces aware of our activities and we will report our operations to the appropriate European Union officials. We can’t allow the poachers to profit from the war by taking these magnificent endangered fish.”
Sea Shepherd France President Lamya Essemlali is coordinating the intelligence operations for Operation Blue Rage 2011. “We have considerable evidence that there will be many attempts to exploit these unpatrolled waters this season, and we suspect that we will most certainly encounter poachers attempting to profit from the war in Libya,” said Essemlali. “A single bluefin tuna can fetch $70,000 USD in the Japanese fish market. This provides a very strong motivation to break the laws.”
Photo: Michelle McCarron | Photo: Michelle McCarron |
Learn more about Operation Blue Rage 2011

June 6th, 2011
Sea Shepherd Returns for a Fourth Season of Whale Wars to Put an End to Antarctic Whaling
In the United States, Animal Planet’s Emmy Award-nominated docu-reality series Whale Wars returns for a fourth captivating season beginning Friday, June 3, at 9 PM with 10 exhilarating episodes documenting Sea Shepherd Conservation Society’s dramatic whale defense campaign on the Antarctic high seas.
Sea Shepherd’s interventions continue to enthrall audiences who have witnessed the cat-and-mouse game at the far end of the globe between the conservationists and the illegal whalers. For seven whaling season, Captain Paul Watson and his dedicated international crew of volunteers have taken to the high seas in attempt to stop the Japanese ships from illegally killing whales in the Southern Ocean Whale Sanctuary, and this time there is no compromise – the bloodshed must stop once and for all.
The adrenaline-pumping new season features Captain Watson and several of his right-hand crewmembers including captain of the Bob Barker Alex Cornelissen and captain of the fast, new interceptor vessel the Gojira, Lockhart MacLean, along with a crew of passionate volunteers representing 23 different countries, and all willing to risk their lives to protect the planet’s largest sentient beings.
The third season of Whale Wars averaged nearly 1.4 million viewers, 29% above the season two’s average. In 2009, the Academy of Television Arts and Sciences recognized Whale Wars with a Television Academy Honor identifying the series as “Television with a Conscience" for exploring issues of concern to society in a compelling, emotional, and insightful way. The series has been nominated for a Primetime Emmy for Outstanding Cinematography in a Non-Fiction Series (twice) and Outstanding Picture Editing for a Non-Fiction Series. The first three seasons are available on DVD in Sea Shepherd’s e-store.
Supporter in the U.S.: Tune in to Animal Planet to watch the first episode of the weekly Whale Wars series on Friday, June 3, at 9 PM PST.
Stay tuned for international premiere airdates and to see when Whale Wars will be airing in your country
June 1st, 2011
Sea Shepherd Galapagos Launches Environmental Law Manual
The manual analyzes the importance of the natural areas of the Galapagos, which benefit from international recognition and the protection of Ecuadorian authorities.
Its protection goes back to 1936, when the Galapagos were named the first National Park in Ecuador. Then in 1978, the Galapagos became the world’s first UNESCO Natural Heritage Site and 20 years later, the first Marine Reserve in Ecuador. Since 2005, the Galapagos have become the first Maritime Sensitive Zone, designated in Ecuador by the International Maritime Organization.
The manual also explains the Galapagos special regime, which is drafted in the Constitution and developed in a Special Law (LOREG, 1998). By establishing penal sanctions to environmental infractions occurring in the Marine Reserve and the National Park, this law was the first in the country to acknowledge the effective role of criminal law in protecting the natural heritage of the Galapagos Islands. This law penalizes industrial fisheries taking place within the Marine Reserve, as well as fisheries of protected species, such as sharks.
At the book launch, Sea Shepherd presented the book not only as a useful manual for judicial operators, but also as the first step towards a much needed specialized judicial system, one that meets the challenges of ruling and enforcing environmental law in a National Park and a Marine Reserve that are also UNESCO World Heritage sites.
Sea Shepherd will continue to advocate for a judicial system that embraces and enforces the principles of the UN World Charter for Nature and the progressive green approach of the new Ecuadorian Constitution. A judicial system symbolized by a blindfolded Lady Justice, the Roman goddess of justice, holding a human scale and Neptune’s trident, and ruling with the power of reason and environmental justice. All in the name of the invisible and the defenseless: the sharks that inhabited this natural heritage site long before humans did.
Lt. Cristina Proaño
June 1st, 2011
Sea Shepherd goes to Libya to stop illegal fishing of tuna
This campaign is dangerous because of the war situation in which Libya
Bluefin / © Oceana
The month of June 2011, two ships of Sea Shepherd Conservation Society will come in Libyan waters, in an area declared by NATO at war, in order to intercept the poachers and free tuna fish caught illegally in a bid to save endangered species.
During the campaign in 2010 Sea Shepherd got 800 free tuna. This year, the campaign appears to be more dangerous war zone.
During the campaign in 2010 Sea Shepherd got 800 free tuna. This year, the campaign appears to be more dangerous war zone.
The President of Sea Shepherd France, Lamya Essemlali, attended the meeting held on 6 May, with the European Commission Directorate-General for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries. As a result, the Commission will continue the activities of Sea Shepherd during the month of June. Sea Shepherd will also prepare a report for the commission at the end of his campaign.
On the other hand, this year 2011, bluefin tuna have a break because nearly half of French tuna fleet remain in the port due to the cancellation of all permits for fishing in Libyan waters. The Lebanese conflict has led to the cancellation of fishing quotas in Libya because of the war. Libya's quota was set at 902 tonnes from a total of 12,900 tons for all nations for the 2011 season that began May 15. However, do not allow fishing in Libya this year, providing work for Sea Shepherd to identify and interfere with the poachers.
"The benefits of poaching bluefin tuna are enormous," said Essemlali, President of Sea Shepherd France. "The crew of Sea Shepherd and the bridge deck have been fitted with bulletproof vests for this season if poachers are armed and potentially violent. At Sea Shepherd will not intervene against legal operations for tuna, although we believe that any of legal fees should be called, as they are irresponsible shares, taking into account the recent decline of bluefin tuna from overfishing and excessive mortality caused by the BP oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico, where bluefin tuna Atlantic usually spawn. France, Italy and Spain captured the majority of Atlantic bluefin tuna is consumed in the world, and 80 percent are sold to Japan. Bluefin can weigh up to 650 kg (1,433 lbs) and are in the North Atlantic, the Gulf of Mexico and the Mediterranean Sea, where large commercial fisheries fat often fish caught in floating enclosures. "
Captain Philippe Friboullet in Sete (France) informed the authorities that some of the Libyan-owned boat left port without the necessary fishing licenses. Poachers can be found in Libya, Malta, Italy, Spain, Tunisia and Turkey.
"We will be armed with the regulations and in contact with NATO and the European Union Commission if it finds any suspicious activity," said Captain Paul Watson, President and Founder of Sea Shepherd.
June 1st, 2011
Sea Shepherd and Japan face for protection of the sharks in Palau
A Greenpeace Australia and the Government of Japan are vying to patrol the waters of Palau to protect sharks in the only marine sanctuary reserved for them around the world, officials said Monday. The president of the small Pacific island nation, Johnson Toribiong, said in a statement that he was about to entrust the mission to the conservation group Sea Shepherd , until he received a counteroffer from Nipponese authorities.
Japan-as-Toribiong Palau warned that activists are "terrorists" and proposed to send a patrol of the Self Defense Forces.
Each year, Sea Shepherd vessels engaged in sabotage the slaughter of the Japanese whalers in Antarctic waters on their annual catches "scientific purposes", and it complains Tokyo to Canberra.
"I am now considering the matter. I want to solve a potential diplomatic row" with the country's largest trading partner, said the president.
Palau and Sea Shepherd last month signed a memorandum of understanding by which the organization would patrol these waters to combat illegal fishing of sharks, and also without charging a penny.
However, the document still must be approved by the attorney general and therefore not in force.
Palau announced last year that its waters are now the preserve of sharks, so feared by their greed as threatened by overfishing.
The initiative is a pioneer in the world and aims to maintain and gradually increase the currently small populations of leopard shark, hammerhead, bull and fox, among others.
Palau stalk in particular to vessels engaged in fishing sharks for their fins cut off and return to the sea, a practice widespread among the eastern fishermen and reported ad nauseum by conservation groups.
The practice is so common that shark fin soup is no longer considered a culinary delicacy is served by scarcity and low-priced Chinese and Japanese restaurants around the world.
The project is ambitious but its implementation will not be easy to recognize local authorities.
The protected area will cover about 661,600 square kilometers and include the fields of special economic zone of Palau, which extends up to 320 miles off the coast of the small archipelago, located 800 kilometers east of the Philippines.
Moreover, so far only have one boat to monitor any such extension of its territorial waters, hiding one of the largest concentrations of marine biodiversity in the world and a paradise for divers.
May 15, 2011
Whalers Throw Spears at Sea Shepherd Crew
The Yushin Maru No. 3 deliberately turned into Sea Shepherd Conservation Society’s ship the Gojira today in an attempt to ram and destroy the fast multi hulled vessel skippered by Captain Locky MacLean.
“It was like staring death in the face when that steel hull suddenly turned into us. We just narrowly avoided being cut in half,” said Captain MacLean.
Both vessels were on a parallel course, with the Yushin Maru No. 3 on the starboard side of the Gojira. Suddenly the Yushin Maru No. 3 made a hard turn to their port in an attempt to disable the Gojira.
Captain MacLean saw this in time to hit the throttle, effectively avoiding collision with the Yushin Maru No. 3 with the stern of the Gojira by a mere 10 feet.
Delta boat operator Chad Halstead narrowly avoided being injured when one of the whalers threw a bamboo spear at the boat crew. Sea Shepherd crew recovered a few of these potentially lethal bamboo spears.
The Yushin Maru No. 3 approaching the stern of the Gojira. Photo: Simon AgerThe Gojira and the small boats from the Bob Barker were harassing the Yushin Maru No. 3 with stink and paint bombs in an attempt to keep the whaler from tailing Sea Shepherd’s vessel the Bob Barker. The operation was a success. The Bob Barker has lost its tail and is now free to search out the Japanese Nisshin Maru factory ship.
With the Bob Barker escaping their grasp, the Yushin Maru No. 3 issued an international distress signal saying they were under attack by Sea Shepherd ships the Bob Barker and the Gojira. However, the Bob Barker was over seven miles away when the whalers issued their distress signal.
Both the Bob Barker and the Gojira acknowledged the distress signal and radioed the Yushin Maru No. 3 to inquire as to the nature of their distress. They were radioed three times in Japanese and in English but refused to reply. Despite the fact that Sea Shepherd responded to the distress from the whalers and recorded and monitored this acknowledgment, the Institute for Cetacean Research issued a media release accusing Sea Shepherd of not offering assistance when in fact assistance was offered three times.
The Gojira radioed the Yushin Maru No. 3 stating that they would not be hassled if they stopped trailing the Bob Barker. Sea Shepherd views the tailing of their ships as provocation.The Bob Barker is now free and clear of the Yushin Maru No. 3 and able to continue the pursuit of the Nisshin Maru. The Bob Barker and the Gojira will continue to pursue and harass the Japanese whaling fleet while the Sea Shepherd flagship the Steve Irwin refuels and takes on supplies llington, New Zealand.
February 4, 2011
Consumption of meat and Cultural Differences
I do not know how I can start this article first, now I think I started badly in some way, well anyway, the track itself is very complicated I mean many things, such as percapita intake recommended by the UN, or in different societies as it looks at animal like that, as nothing more than a piece of meat that is born and lives his life just to feed millions of mouths of beings more "evolved" in my opinion first of all, is how I live this issue, and summarized my whole way of life, I'm vegan, I declare it openly, it is more, I'm raw food vegans, which means that I eat only uncooked, and most of the which gives the fruit or vegetable, but not so from the land as I do not know if I am persuaded, my wife the same thing, for it was initially difficult, but now the passing of the years that we are fully minded but do good to the planet and its wildlife is an asset to the whole organism.Meat or animal muscle fiber is a food that is highly critical because often associated with diseases such as obesity, heart problems, high cholesterol and even certain types of cancer, but of course, these claims are half-truths, and should not be qualified for fall into extremist positions.First we can say that, in effect and without any doubt, the considerable abuse of red meat in the diet of Western people (more than twice a week), has led to increased generating fatal or disability, because through the food you eat large amounts of certain substances that would otherwise be beneficial to mention the fact that logic, that the act of eating meat is obviously blind support consciously or mostly a murder of another living, breathing, alive and has feelings, but turning to science-based problems, the most notable and alarming cholesterol, fatty compound that is required to regulate various body functions at the cellular level , but in large amounts can aggravate diseases like high blood pressure (hypertension), male impotence (early) and trigger such sensitive issues as atherosclerosis (fatty buildup and clogging of the veins) and cardiac arrest ofcourse.There is also the case of uric acid, which usually facilitates movement and body movement, but in large amounts (more than twice a week) causes disabling pain and gout, which is inflammation in one or more joints due to crystallization and accumulation of this compound.Also important part of this problem is accentuated because the avid followers of dishes based on red meat have other risk practices: do not exercise, consume alcohol frequently or snuff, is undergoing intensive working sessions and diet includes small number Fruit and vegetables (the worst, because our body is made of flesh and thus greatly need soft foods such as vegetables and fruits).Another major problem stems from the way they prepared this "food", because when the meat is cooked and brown directly to high heat (charcoal or firewood), carcinogenic compounds are formed that produce tumors in the stomach, large intestine and thin. The risk of this problem increases if the diet is based on lack of diversity of food, where there are present plant products rich in fiber and vitamins C and E.And to conclude this brief article I want to mention something that has caught my attention enormously from very small, and the fact of such a huge difference with the consumption of meat among the different cultures of the earth, for example, many people critical to Asia labeling them barbarians and murderers of animals, because in some sectors of South Korea and North China (the least, since I live in Asia), people process, breeding and breed animals eat, also cats and even other breeds greater wingspan, and now I wonder, and perhaps in the western world do not eat cows, lambs, rabbits, and so it goes well, maybe I'm hallucinating or I remember in my home country to snails eat?, and now when finally, one last thought as a "masks" to all those that fill the mouth talking about love and peace and this is " If your life has never traveled outside of your country if you do not know the origin of life and not have any desire to learn, if when you are eating a steak without thinking about how you were that animal, if you do not take a portion of your time to analyze or think about it, then do not criticize those who eat dogs and cats because YOU! you eat the cows and lambs, and that perhaps is not the same? "
Franco Munoz
Vice President
Petstovlab Records
Taipei, Taiwan
October 12th, 2010
Another deadly threat to dolphins
In the past five years has been a massive tsunami of publicity about the dolphin slaughter in Japan. In 2003 I made films about the theme for National Geographic Television International and PBS. These films were seen by millions. Whale Wars on Animal Planet and The Cove also in AP and in theaters around the world submitted to an international audience the barbarity of whaling and the slaughter of dolphins. The disclosure of the murders in Iki, Futo and Taiji thus became my strategy. But the killings continue and even be extended.While the world focuses on these events in Taiji other deadly and insidious threat to the dolphins will appear, providing a compelling reason that dolphins and whales should not only be hunted, but should receive greater protection than ever.The dolphins are seriously threatened by a growing number of diseases resulting from pollution of the oceans. During the past year numerous peer-reviewed scientific articles have been published documenting an increase worldwide in the incidence of previously unknown diseases in dolphins. A team of researchers and veterinarians from the Marine Animal Disease Laboratory at the University of Florida have found at least fifty new viruses in dolphins. Its exponential growth is due to the body burden of high levels of organic pollutants such as PCBs, PBDEs, DDT and other chemicals that suppress the immune system of mammals and disrupt normal endocrine function. Some of these chemicals are similar to estrogen acts to feminize men and women.In addition, resistance to antibiotics has been found in dolphins in many places around the world. It is clear that antibiotics do not occur naturally. After reaching the river they eat plankton and bio-accumulate in the food chain to be concentrated in top predators such as dolphins. Something disturbing the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) is the fact that dolphins are resistant to antibiotics have the potential to breed super bugs that can go back to humans. The transmission of disease from one species to another is called zoonosis. AIDS is an example of zoonotic transmission.It baffles me that whaling and the killing of dolphins can persist in the 21 st century. We know much about these magnificent animals. Whales and dolphins generate more than U.S. $ 2.1 billion per year worldwide, more than killing whales and dolphins.In the light of new threats to the marine ecosystem, dolphins and whales, in particular, the deliberate killing of these curious intelligent and sensitive animals is tragic and will only accelerate the removal of the entire population of the sea. But that's what happening to the dolphins is clearly a harbinger of what humanity faces.
Sea Shepherd Calls for the Creation of a Specialized Judiciary On Rights of Nature in Galapagos
October 12th, 2010
Shark fins confiscated by the Environmental Unit
of the National Police, during a 2009 operation
in Galápagos.
of the National Police, during a 2009 operation
in Galápagos.
Led by Sea Shepherd’s legal advisor for Galapagos, Hugo Echeverría, on September 20, 2010 Sea Shepherd Conservation Society, World Wildlife Fund and Conservation International, presented to PROJUSTICIA (a technical unit of the Ministry of Justice working on the modernization of the judicial system) a legal brief justifying the need to create a Specialized Judiciary on Rights for Nature in the province of Galapagos, Ecuador.
This initiative has the support of the Galapagos National Park Directorate, who is the administrative and management authority of the National Park and the Galapagos Marine Reserve.
The need for establishing specialized judicial bodies in Galapagos is justified by the extraordinary natural heritage of the islands, which is protected by national legislation and international environmental treaties. In this context, the Galapagos special legislation provides for a leading role of the Judicial System, particularly on ecological crimes, for which it is necessary to have a specialized judiciary.
In 2008, Ecuador became the first country to recognize nature as a subject of rights. The Constitution of the Republic of Ecuador recognizes the rights of nature to be respected and restored. In 2009, the Organic Code of the Judicial Function was created, which specifically provides for the creation of special judiciaries to address claims on violation of the rights of nature. The Law authorizes its establishment by the Consejo de la Judicatura, the country’s Judicial Council.
Worldwide, there are some experiences of creating specialized judicial bodies. However, none of them can be compared with special judiciaries under the Code of Judicial Function of Ecuador, since this rule responds to a unique
constitutional context: the recognition of rights to nature.
With the creation of specialized judiciaries, Ecuador could lead this new global trend.
The petitioners have requested PROJUSTICIA to inform this initiative to Consejo de la Judicatura of Ecuador, for purposes of analyzing the creation of the first Specialized Judiciary on Rights for Nature in the country.
Effective implementation of the Constitution of Ecuador requires a specialized judicial system.
September 28th, 2010
Taiji Monitoring Update
Report from Taiji: September 13, 2010
It rained in Taiji early this morning. The first rain, the locals tell us, to have occurred in many days. It ended though about the time we arrived at the Cove around 6:10 am. We found that the fishermen were already quite busy moving and separating the dolphins into different groups. We suspect they were trying to get to a location where they could select the ones they wanted for the aquarium trade.
All day long, in the relentless sun and heat, they would move groups of dolphins around, driving them with sound from the outboard motors. Also, the transport boats kept a steady pace taking selected dolphins in slings attached to the sides of the boats for the journey over the nets and around to holding pens in the harbor at Taiji Town.
Finally, all of the nets were removed. The now free dolphins were not quick to leave the area. A local told us that they would hang around the area once freed and “be a problem for other fishermen.” This probably means they would eat fish after being without food for more than 24 hours. It also likely indicates that the group is unwilling to abandon its companions who were taken from them. So, out came the herding boats, banging on their underwater pipes, so we were told, to drive the dolphins out to sea.
We counted approximately 55 dolphins returned to the sea including two babies. We do not know how many were taken captive. A fisherman told us yesterday he thought they had driven about 80 dolphins into the cove. While the captive dolphin trade remains an ugly thing, watching the non-aquarium bound dolphins swim away free was far better than seeing the water turn red from their sadistic slaughter.
The only reason they were not slaughtered is because we are here and the world is watching. The dolphin season lasts through March. We expect the slaughter to renew by October unless we can keep the presence and the cameras focused on this cove. A reporter today asked me what would happen to the fishermen’s way of making a living if they were to stop killing dolphins. I told him that the United States used to be a whaling nation, as was Australia, and now both are not. There is a future after whaling.
The scene today at the Cove was something Hollywood could not have produced. I cannot tell you how many police officers, Coast Guardsmen, fire fighters, and other officials were there, and in large numbers. They were concerned that I might “do something.” Eventually, a contingent of protestors against Sea Shepherd showed up and then the police became very concerned. As promised, about a dozen Japanese right-wingers joined in the festivities with their truck-mounted loudspeakers. The police told me that we were in danger and asked me to leave, but I said no. I explained that the three of us: Matt Smith, my daughter Elora, and I were being calm and nonviolent. I pointed out that the protestors were the potentially violent ones and that they (the police) should have them go away. The police were obviously frustrated by my response.
Yesterday, I went into the main police station in Shingo City to notify the police that Sea Shepherd had received death threats via email from within Japan. Since that time, we have had police following us as we go about our business. They were quite unhappy today when I explained that I had a 90-day visa, intended to spend my time in Japan in Taiji, and that I would come to the Cove day and night to observe.
Just a short while ago, I left the hotel on an errand and noticed camera flashes from inside a car on the street. I was being photographed and so I took their picture. I do not believe these are police officers, but others who are highly displeased with our presence. We will not be bullied or frightened away. If you would like to join us (voluntarily, and completely at your own cost and risk) in Taiji, write to me at inform-us@seashepherd.org.
For the Oceans,
Scott West
Sea Shepherd Conservation Society
Scott West
Sea Shepherd Conservation Society
September 14th, 2010
UPDATE FROM TAIJI: Nine Dolphins Held Captive; Dolphin Defenders Grow in Strength in the Town Without Pity
By Michael Dalton
Sea Shepherd Taiji Campaign Leader
Sea Shepherd Taiji Campaign Leader
Dolphin lovers from around the world are now starting to converge on Taiji. Sea Shepherd Conservation Society crew members will not be the only dolphin defenders here for long. This afternoon, some twenty newly arrived people will be meeting in the town with inflatable dolphins in tow. More westerners, as the Japanese Coast Guard today referred to them, will be arriving over the coming days, weeks, and months, including high profile celebrities.
As an unassuming silver Toyota sedan sits outside with two Japanese Coast Guards inside, it is obvious they take the Sea Shepherd presence here very seriously. After being followed and stopped this morning by the Coast Guard and the Japanese Police we have concluded that they have one concern on their minds: are the Sea Shepherd crew going to cut the nets again as they did in 2003? I was warned subtly that arrest would follow if I did. They know who I am.
Last night, we staked out the harbor where the dolphin pens are located. Guards were positioned in four vehicles on two points overlooking the pens with headlights and spotlights on the pens constantly, guards changing every hour. The fishermen are on red alert here, and they are convinced that Sea Shepherd will once again launch a successful strike against the nets.
Today we did a drive by to check the nets, the cove, and the pens in the harbor—there were no nets up and all boats were accounted for in the harbor, including a small blue vessel with a harpoon which we have not seen before. There was no movement around the pens.
Their paranoia now is immense.
The fishermen did not go out and hunt yesterday and have not gone out today.
What Ric O’Barry is doing in Tokyo with the media is good. We need a diversity of approaches here. The good cop, bad cop strategy so to speak. Speaking to the media in Tokyo and presenting the petitions are all good moves, and Sea Shepherd supports Ric O’Barry as we always have.
Our call to put boots on the sand here at Ground Zero in this campaign is meant for one purpose only—to get as many people who say they care about the dolphins and are able to get here to come here.
If a hundred people could be here throughout the ordeal faced by these dolphins, the killing could be significantly reduced, if not stopped altogether. These dolphins should not have to die out of sight and out of mind. It does not have to be the same hundred people. People can come for two weeks or even a few days and then be replaced by others. Surely compassion for the dolphins can bring bodies to Ground Zero here in Taiji.
September 5, 2010
Update from Taiji, Japan
by Michael Dalton, Sea Shepherd Taiji Campaign Leader
I have just downloaded these pictures from my camera taken this morning. As you can see there is one dolphin in a sea pen waiting to be trained and shipped off to a marine park somewhere for a life of misery, to be fed a cocktail of antibiotics and anti-depressants for the remainder of its natural life.
We are expecting a contingent of 20-30 people shortly arriving from Tokyo, mostly international `tourists` - those who have listened to Ric O`Barry and have now heeded the call from Sea Shepherd to make their presence known in Taiji for the sake of the dolphins.
We have discovered that the publicly accessible cove, next to the killing cove, where the dolphins were being held yesterday is now empty and the nets have been removed.
This appears strange that they will take the nets down but maybe this is because they know that we are in town and are ready to take action to protect them.
Our plans will depend on the actions of the Taiji fishermen. If they plan to start killing dolphins (Risso or bottlenose), false killer whales or pilot whales in front of our eyes, then we will take appropriate action. We do not intend to stand by and see any sentient creatures slaughtered.
In Futo, further up the Japanese coastline, dolphin species were also slaughtered like the dolphins in Taiji up until 2003. Mr. Izumi Ishii was once one of the most outspoken advocates of the capture and killing of dolphins, but Mr. Ishii had changed. "I heard the sound of the dolphins crying as they were killed. I could not bear it," he said in describing his reasons for converting from dolphin killing to dolphin watching, "The value I now see in dolphins is not the value of their meat, but of the wonder they incite in us."
Taiji is a town that is slowly dying, and is not prospering from these unnecessary, inhumane acts.
From Captain Paul Watson
Michael Dalton and his team in Taiji are there despite the threats issued by ultra right wing Japanese nationalists. Sea Shepherd is not deterred by threats of violence. A threat is a threat but what has happened and will happen to the dolphins at Taiji is not a threat – it is slaughter, barbaric and unjustified by any cultural demands.
Most of the Japanese citizens we encounter are as horrified by the killing of these dolphins as any Westerner. Taiji is not representative of the views of most Japanese people.
Hardy Jones has informed me that the people of Iki Island now miss the dolphins. Hardy along with Dexter Cate and Sea Shepherd intervened against the killing of dolphins at Iki Island between 1980 and 1982. The hunt was shut down but it was too late. The dolphins have long since disappeared from the waters of Iki Island on the West coast of Japan.
We can't have this happen to the dolphins on the East coast of Japan.
Sea Shepherd activists are not popular in Taiji ever since 2003 when Sea Shepherd crewmembers Allison Lance and Alex Cornelissen cut the nets and released 15 dolphins that would have been slaughtered or shipped to a marine park if not for that intervention. Alex and Allison were jailed for four weeks and interrogated daily for "interference with commerce."
Last year the fishermen at Taiji captured dolphins at the beginning of September and released them due to the presence of media and concerned citizens. A month later, they began killing again. We suspect they are trying to appease the protest by making it appear that the dolphins will be released. Once media and protestors leave, they will resume the slaughter just as they did last year.
The key to saving the dolphins is for people to constantly be in Taiji so the slaughter is not allowed to go on out of sight of cameras and witnesses.
September 5, 2010
Sea Shepherd Supporter Files Police Claim Against the Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs
The police claim reads “I hereby wish to report the Ministry of Foreign Affairs for violation of the Bern Convention (also known as the Convention on the Conservation of European Wildlife and Natural Habitats) for allowing to occur, and not preventing, the killing of pilot whales in waters governed under Danish law”.
Every summer, hundreds, and oftentimes thousands, of pilot whales are deliberately stranded in the Faeroe Islands in a cruel method of whaling known as the grind. Their spinal cords are severed with knives.
Pilot whales are strictly protected under the Bern Convention, of which Denmark is a signatory.
Sea Shepherd is particularly concerned with Chapter 3, Article 6 of the Bern Convention which prohibits “all forms of deliberate capture and keeping and deliberate killing” as well as the “internal trade in these animals, alive or dead”.
Also, Chapter 5, Article 10, Section 2, requires all co-signatories to co-ordinate the protection of species [including the pilot whale] whose range extends into their territories”.
The Faeroe Islands are a territory of Denmark, the Faeroese people are Danish citizens, and therefore the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Denmark is in violation of the Bern Convention.
Peter Manthos filed his police complaint at the police station in his native town of Vejle.
Earlier this year, Vejle was made famous when a 15 meter long fin whale stranded in a Danish fjord.
“All of Denmark followed the struggle of this one whale and huge effort was made to reintroduce her to sea. I can’t believe that only 600 miles from Vejle are other Danes who kill every cetacean they come across”, says Peter Manthos.
Sea Shepherd supports Peter Manthos in his efforts to enforce international conservation law in the Faeroe Islands.
September 1st, 2010
Rescued nine of the 58 whales beached in New Zealand
August 23, 2010 - While 13 managed to return to sea during the weekend, stranding four again and died.
On Friday, 73 whales of the genus Globicephala, better known as pilot whales, were stranded on Karikari Beach, on the north coast of New Zealand.

AFP Image The nación.clAl have been stranded overnight, about 60 died before being assisted by what authorities later found only 15 of cetaceans alive and managed to return 13 to sea for the weekend .Today, it was reported that nine pilot whales have been rescued thanks to the work of over 70 volunteers that kept afloat and breathing mammals, although they weigh a ton and a half.
Two years ago, more than one hundred pilot whales were caught on the beach in New Zealand, which like neighboring Australia each year see how hundreds are killed marine mammals in their costs.
Scientists do not know the reason why some species of whales end their days on the beaches, and shuffled the possibility that sonar attracted by large ships or to follow a group leader disoriented by illness.
August 30th, 2010
Early Warning System for the Whales: Sea Shepherd Deploys Acoustical Warning System for Whales in the Faeroe Islands
Sea Shepherd is partnered with the Brigitte Bardot Foundation in our opposition to the brutal and barbaric slaughter of pilot whales by Faeroese citizens.
It is a slaughter more horrific than the killing of the dolphins in Taiji, Japan, and it is taking place in Europe in violation of the Berne Convention, to which Denmark is a signatory.
From our ship the Golfo Azzurro, Sea Shepherd and the Brigitte Bardot Foundation have been gathering evidence on the slaughter of the whales and deploying experimental acoustical devices in the water to ward migrating pilot whales away from the island.
We have kept this idea quiet until now, but today the Faeroese media reported that a pod of pilot whales had escaped because of sounds being broadcasted under the water.
Well, they caught us. We have been doing just that, and it appears that the devices work, and if they work we will be returning next year with more of them to deploy.
The Faeroese slaughter entire pods, including pregnant females and young calves. Not a single whale survives once the Faeroese pull out their long knives and clubs. They perish in an agonizing bloody orgy as drunken fishermen hack, stab, club, and slash the defenseless animals to death, filling the bay with blood.
The Faeroese call it “The Grind” and say it is a tradition and a gift from God. We call it a sadistic blood sport and a crime, a violation of the rules of the European Community, of which the Faeroes receives full benefits.
The acoustical devices can be left in the sea and will operate for weeks on batteries. They may be the key to saving the lives of many of these gentle whales, deterring them away from the violently cruel reception that the Faeroese would otherwise give them.
The crew of the Golfo Azzurro have not broken any laws, and thus the Danish Navy can only escort them; it cannot board or arrest them.
This campaign is being led by Sea Shepherd France President Lamya Essemlali.
Earlier in the summer, Sea Shepherd Undercover Operative Peter Hammarstedt was able to document one of the cruel pilot whale drives. Since then, the Faeroese have taken to covering the fetuses they tear out of the female wombs so they won’t be photographed, indicating that even they may be somewhat ashamed of their sadistic activities.
August 24th, 2010
Death in the Ferocious Isles: Sea Shepherd under Escort by the Danish Navy
The Academy Award winning film The Cove turned the international spotlight on the bloody carnage of dolphins screaming in pools of their own blood as Japanese fishermen speared them in the shallows of the cove.
What can be more obscenely monstrous than the pitiful screams of impaled dolphins slaughtered without mercy for profit?
There is something worse, far more cruel and wasteful, and it takes place in Europe.
Sea Shepherd Conservation Society’s undercover ship, the Golfo Azzurro, is presently under pursuit by the Danish Navy after a month of covert surveillance operations in the Danish Protectorate of the Faeroe Islands.
It is in these islands, halfway between Scotland and Iceland, that the slaughter of entire pods of pilot whales takes place. Not for profit, but because it is considered by the islanders to be fun to kill them.
They do eat some whale meat but the flesh is so contaminated with mercury that Faeroese children have higher levels of mercury in their bodies than any other people on the planet. But the majority of the whales are killed and dumped at sea, and Sea Shepherd was able to secure evidence of this waste.
The images are nightmarish with fetuses torn from the bodies of mothers, and bodies mutilated with clubs, knives and spears as the islanders drive the defenseless whales up onto rocky beaches killing every one, wiping out entire pods.
In Taiji, experienced fishermen do the killing, but in the Faeroes, even the children are encouraged by men to spear and stab the whales to death; many of these men are drunk and laughing, in what they consider to be a traditional festival of slaughter.
The killing is a violation of the Berne Convention of which Denmark is a signatory, but Denmark claims that the Faeroese are not subject to the law as a protectorate despite receiving all benefits from the European Community.
Yesterday the Golfo Azzurro’s cover was compromised, and the ship was boarded and searched by police. The vessel was released because no laws had been broken, and it is presently being escorted by the Danish Navy.
Sea Shepherd crew members are continuing their patrol, but this time under the watchful eyes and guns of the Danish Navy.
Operation Grind StopStop the slaughter of pilot whalesin the Faeroes |
August 19th, 2010
Sea Shepherd Featured in MUTTS Comic Strip
Sea Shepherd is honored to have been referenced in last week's MUTTS comic strip, an award-winning and highly celebrated comic strip which appears in over 700 newspapers and 20 countries worldwide. Sea Shepherd applauds and sends a special thank you to MUTTS creator, Patrick McDonnell, for using MUTTS as a fun and entertaining way to create awareness about the plight of our oceans and their inhabitants.
August 17, 2010
Paul Watson and Pete Bethune on Jey Leno Show
August 16th, 2010
Dominican Republic investigate whale death
Puerto Plata (Dominican Republic). EFE. Environmental authorities and universities in the Dominican Republic investigating the circumstances in which a whale died eight meters found by fishermen on the Cofresi Beach in the city of Puerto Plata on the north coast, official sources said yesterday.
Attorney General for the Environment in Puerto Plata, Jesus Maria Suero, told local journalists that experts took samples of the mammal bone to determine the real causes of his death.
The body of the whale was found by fishermen on a reef Dominicans near the Ocean World theme park on Cofresi Beach in the province, the official said. The site is presented members of the Navy, who joined the investigation.
Environmental Attorney in Puerto Plata stated that the studies will determine the cause of the whale died, which is not very common to see on the beaches of the Dominican north coast.
August 11th, 2010
Fracture Seabed of the Gulf of Mexico has no repair possible
The most important thing to note about the warning Sagalevich is that he and his fellow scientists of the Russian Academy of Science is the only human beings who have been at the site of oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico after being called to the scene the disaster by the British oil giant, British Petroleum shortly after the collapse of the Deepwater Horizon platform April 22, 2010. A disturbing report circulating today by the Kremlin and was prepared for Prime Minister Putin from Sagalevich Anatoly Shirshov Institute of Oceanology of Russia warns that the seabed of the Gulf of Mexico has been broken "beyond repair" and our planet must start prepare for an ecological disaster "Beyond comprehension" unless it be taken "extraordinary measures" to stop the massive flow of oil to the eleventh largest water body in the world. The call made Sagalevich BP started following this disaster is that he has the world record for deep diving in fresh water and experience of both Deep Submergence Vehicles, the Russian MIR 1 and MIR 2 have the ability to take their crews to a depth of 6,000 meters (19.685 feet). Sagalevich According to the report, the oil spill into the Gulf of Mexico is not well, leaving only the 22 "that show Americans on television, but at least another 18 sites on the" fractured seafloor "being the largest 11 kilometers (seven miles) from where it sank the Deepwater Horizon and is throwing up these precious bubbling water with about 2 million gallons of oil per day. It is interesting to observe Sagalevich on this report stating that he and other Russian scientists were required by the United States to sign documents prohibiting them report their findings to any means either American or foreign, and that they had to do to legally operate in U.S. territorial waters. However, Sagalevich says he and other scientists gave updates almost hourly as the U.S. government as BP officials about what they were seeing on the seabed, including U.S. Senator from Florida, Bill Nelson that after such information to the news network said MSNBC "Andrea're seeing something new right now, that there are reports that oil is seeping up from the seabed ... which would indicate, if this were true, that the well casing is in perforated right below the seabed. So, your know, could be enormous problems with which we are facing. "
Although not directly stated in the report Sagalevich, the findings of Russian scientists about the true state of tanker disaster in the Gulf of Mexico are, beyond doubt, be filtered to their longtime friend, Matthew Simmons who was the advisor main energy of former President George W. Bush, whom the U.S. media reports say openly: "Matthew Simmons is sticking to his story that there is another huge spill in the Gulf of Mexico pumping tremendous amounts of oil into the Gulf. In "Fast Money" on CNBC, said he would be surprised if BP could happen this summer, saying that this mess is the fault of the BP full. "
As a prominent person within the oil industry and one of the foremost experts in the world oil peak, Simmons, also notes that the United States have only one option left to dry well (it would take 30 years and ruin the Atlantic Ocean) or nuclear detonations. " The Obama, on the other hand, has indicated that it is discussing nuclear option to end this catastrophe which puts him in conflict with U.S. and Russian experts who advocate such an extreme measure before all is lost and as reported by British newspaper The Telegraph: "The former Soviet Union (USSR) used nuclear weapons on five separate occasions between 1966 and 1981 to successfully shut down oil and gas wells in the area (there was one attempt that failed) and was documented by an Energy Department report U.S. on peaceful uses of nuclear explosions USSR. Russia is now urging the United States to consider doing the same. The Komsomoloskaya Pravda, the Russian top-selling newspaper, said that although based on the Soviet experience, there is one chance in five that the well could not seal, is "a bet that Americans would have to risk."
It is said that the USSR developed nuclear devices to close special gas wells using the theory that the explosion of a nuclear detonation would plug any well in a range of 25-30 meters, depending on the power of the device. As much as I imagined in my spare time, massive explosions can be used to bring down a well on the run, covering well, or at least substantially contain the flow of oil.
"The seabed nuclear detonation is starting to sound surprisingly feasible and appropriate" is the quote that said reports Mechanical Engineering from the University of Texas, Michael E. Webber while visiting researcher on nuclear policy and former naval officer Christopher Brownfield wrote in the Daily Beast. "I would have this well with explosives demolished a month ago. And yet we see with unbearable suspense while BP is using and discarding awkwardly plan after plan to restore its oil and cover your property. "
As to the reason for Obama to refuse to consider this well set off by nuclear means, Sagalevich noted in this report that the "primary concern" of America is not the environmental catastrophe that is causing this disaster, but rather the impact that the use of a nuclear weapon to stop this spill would have on the continued production of oil from the Gulf of Mexico and in an energy hungry world remains the only oil-producing region on the planet able to increase production.
Above the environmental catastrophe that is happening in the Gulf of Mexico, the situation could worsen as new reports from the U.S. are confirming the gloomy predictions of Russian scientists concerning poisons dispersion of oil they are using the BP and are being collected into the clouds and falls as rain destroying toxic to all living plants it touches.
The end result of this catastrophe we ignore us, we just state the obvious which is the choice facing America today is or stop this disaster by any other means, or pay dearly later.
After all, cheap oil worth the cost to destroy our own planet? The BP certainly thinks so, but hopefully Obama.
It predicts that October will play spill the Atlantic coasts of Mexico. This is frightening.
August 10th, 2010
A Political Solution to End Whaling in the Southern Ocean
The areas are the (1) Ross Dependency (Claimed by New Zealand in 1923) (150° W to 160° W (2) Adelie Land (Claimed by France in 1924) (142° 2´ E to 136° 11´ E. (3) Australian Antarctic Territory (Claimed by Australia in 1933) (160° East to 136° 11´ East to 142° 2´E to 44° 38´ E.
What we need is for the whale conservation nations of New Zealand, Australia, and France to exercise their sovereignty over these waters. Australia has already declared a 200 mile Economic Exclusion Zone. Australia has also pledged to challenge Japan in the international court in the Hague.
Now with the Australian Greens almost certain to hold the balance of power in the Australian Senate with the next election, the opportunity is approaching where the Australian Antarctic Territory can be defended. The Green Party has already vowed to create a marine park off the coast of Antarctica where fishing and whaling will be banned and the ban will be enforced.
The Australian Greens Party is almost certain to hold the deciding vote in Federal Parliament next year and the Party has vowed to turn one-third of Australia's territorial waters into a marine park where fishing and whaling would be banned.
The marine park policy would also turn a minimum of 30 percent of Australian waters into reserves where fishing, whaling, exploration and drilling for oil or gas will be prohibited.
Green Party Senator Bob Brown has said he has no plans to retire and is determined to protect the whales in the Southern Ocean.
What does this mean for Sea Shepherd?
It means we can continue to have Australia as our major support base for our annual interventions against illegal Japanese whaling activities. It also means that there may be a political and court ordered solution to this problem and this would mean that the Whale Wars will be over.
The Sea Shepherd Conservation Society will continue to intervene against Japanese whaling in the Southern Ocean until the Japanese whaling fleet retires from their unlawful whaling activities in the Southern Ocean Whale Sanctuary.
Sea Shepherd France will continue to communicate with the French government over the need for enforcement in the waters of Terre Adelie and Sea Shepherd New Zealand will continue to do the same in Aotearoa.
August 7th, 2010
14 year old will go around the world on his yacht with a flag of Sea Shepherd.
With fourteen years of age Laura Dekker jumped into his boat and sailed on Wednesday for the Netherlands in the hope of becoming the youngest person to make a solo voyage around the world.
About 100 supporters waved Laura and his father Dick Dekker left the Dutch port of Den Osse south on his yacht from 38 feet (11.5 meters), for Portugal, where he plans to leave his father and start his attempt to circumnavigate.
Last week, Laura won a court battle when a judge freed her from the guardianship of the Earth Netherlands and child protection agencies. He had blocked his initial plan to leave at the age of 13 years feared for their safety and psychological health during the trip, which will probably take about a year.
"I can be sailing now, and that's great!" told reporters on Wednesday, sporting a skull emblazoned on his black shirt.Dekker raised the banner of The Sea Shepherd Conservation Society over the red double-mast ketch - the same image he carried in his shirt - before sailing out.
The captain declared that Watson and Sea Shepherd want the best for your trip
Sea Shepherd Vessel Steve Irwin Open for Tours in Barcelona
Operation Blue Rage was a major success in the Mediterranean Sea. Another success is the sprouting up of new Sea Shepherd groups in Italy, Monaco, and Spain. To welcome these new groups to the Sea Shepherd family, and to give a chance to our hardworking volunteers and supporters to see one of their ships up close and meet the crew, the Steve Irwin will be open for tours in Barcelona throughout the month of August 2010.
In September, the Steve Irwin will cast off on an 8,000 nautical mile journey to Australia, via the Red Sea and Indian Ocean, in order to prepare for our 2010-2011 Antarctic Whale Defense Campaign: Operation No Compromise.
Come and show your support by meeting the crew of the Steve Irwin in Barcelona; we would be happy to have you aboard for a tour!
Our Sea Shepherd Spain Coordinator, Ramon Cardena, may be reached at: spain@seashepherd.org
Our food donation and outreach coordinators, Luz and Raffaela, speak both English and Spanish. They may be contacted at: barcelonawhales@gmail.com
Tours of the Steve Irwin are available from now until the end of August:
Monday – Thursday: 3:00 pm to 6:00 pm
Friday – Sunday: 12:30 pm to 7:30 pm
Friday – Sunday: 12:30 pm to 7:30 pm
The Steve Irwin is docked at Moll D'Espanya, Port Vell, in front of the Maremagnum Cinemas.
We hope to see you soon!
August 4, 2010
Marine census in Gulf of Mexico, an instant before the oil spill
A census of marine life in the Gulf of Mexico revealed that it is one of the most biodiverse places on the planet, according to a report released Monday as part of an extensive research on marine life in the world. But months before completing the final census, scientists from Cuba, Mexico and the United States who worked in the same, they saw, like the rest of the planet, as the largest oil spill in U.S. history spread throughout the water after the explosion at the oil rig Deepwater Horizon BP. What scientists in marine life experts believed would be a tribute to the enormous biological diversity of the Gulf of Mexico, became the result of an investigation that will be used in future to make comparisons that will reveal the extent of damage caused by the spill . "The spill was a blow. The only positive thing is that we have a map of the damage and monitor the changes that occur after the oil spill," said Patricia Miloslavich Simón Bolívar University of Venezuela, a scientist who worked on the census in the Gulf. "We are saddened by the spill but happy to know that there is a good description of life before the accident," said Jesse Ausubel, founder of the Census of Marine Life program, which on Monday presented the preliminary work with the inventory of marine life together with various supplementary report said. The inventory of marine life in the Gulf of Mexico is "authorized the first census and description of life at sea off the coast of Louisiana where oil emanated from late April well where BP platform exploded. Scientists found more than 15 000 species in the Gulf, including eight thousand 332 forms of marine life "living exactly where the spill began in April," Ausubel said. Even before the spill, the Bay was one of the most at risk from over-fishing, habitat loss and pollution, according to the census. The millions of gallons of crude spilled into the Gulf since April have increased the danger to marine life, especially for species that spawn in the region. "It's a farming area, a breeding area for bluefin tuna," Ausubel said. "The blue tuna tuna spawning in the Gulf in March and April ... in an area quite close" to the area affected by the spill. "One of the concerns of the scientific census is that the eggs of the fish may be coated with oil and having difficulty obtaining the necessary oxygen to grow," he said. The Gulf of Mexico is home predominantly oyster reefs in the warm waters of the tropical north and the southern waters. The western Gulf waters are home to one of five hyper-saline lagoons in the world, the Laguna Madre of Texas and Tamaulopas. Coral reefs are common offshore in the Florida Keys and Cuba and the Mexican states of Veracruz and Campeche. As in the rest of the world's oceans, the most common species of the Gulf are crustaceans, followed by locusts, and mollusks, which include octopus, squid, clams, oysters and snails. The ambitious census is the result of an investigation by 360 scientists projected a cost of $ 650 million over ten years. The scientists combined the information collected over the centuries with new data obtained during the census of a decade to create a list of species in 25 regions, from the Antarctic to the Arctic, through the temperate and tropical seas. The inventory will be supplemented with information gathered in regions such as Indonesia, the Philippines, Madagascar and the Arabian Sea in a broader work to be released in October.
August 3, 2010
Whale Slaughter in Faroe Islands
Watch the Video:
BP expects definitely seal the well in two weeks
The procedure is to pour heavy mud and cement into the well failed, beginning on August 2 to end in seven days.
MIAMI, UNITED STATES (27/JUL/2010) .- The firm British Petroleum (BP) could begin next Monday the process to "kill" the well permanently damaged in the Gulf of Mexico, which has created the worst oil spill in U.S. history.
Thad Allen, head of the government's response to the spill, said during a teleconference last night that if all goes well, the process known as "static kill" would begin on August 2 and the well could be permanently sealed in five or seven days.
This process is to pour heavy mud and cement into the well for sealing damaged.
BP, the company responsible for the spill and whose chief executive Tony Hayward will be relieved by American Robert Dudley on 1 October this year, crude oil stopped the leak for the first time on 15 July.
But according to estimates by the International Energy Agency (IEA) between 2.3 and 4.5 million barrels of oil into the sea spread from the explosion of the Deepwater Horizon platform on 20 April.
In this part of the oil spill with water has been recovered and another has been evaporated.
The oil slick currently affecting the lives of the residents of southern U.S. coastal living from fishing and tourism in the states of Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama and Florida.
The tide has already impacted the ecosystem visible and microscopic various marine areas. Its effects could last for decades, according to some scientists.
Thad Allen, head of the government's response to the spill, said during a teleconference last night that if all goes well, the process known as "static kill" would begin on August 2 and the well could be permanently sealed in five or seven days.
This process is to pour heavy mud and cement into the well for sealing damaged.
BP, the company responsible for the spill and whose chief executive Tony Hayward will be relieved by American Robert Dudley on 1 October this year, crude oil stopped the leak for the first time on 15 July.
But according to estimates by the International Energy Agency (IEA) between 2.3 and 4.5 million barrels of oil into the sea spread from the explosion of the Deepwater Horizon platform on 20 April.
In this part of the oil spill with water has been recovered and another has been evaporated.
The oil slick currently affecting the lives of the residents of southern U.S. coastal living from fishing and tourism in the states of Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama and Florida.
The tide has already impacted the ecosystem visible and microscopic various marine areas. Its effects could last for decades, according to some scientists.
July 28th, 2010
Sea Shepherd Visits Monaco
The last time a Sea Shepherd ship visited Monaco was in 1997 when the Sea Shepherd III was a guest of Prince Rainer on the occasion that Monaco hosted the 1997 International Whaling Commission meeting.
Monaco has been a very strong base of support for the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society for over 12 years.
July 25th, 2010
Accident in South Africa Stresses importance of regulation for the whale watching Chile
Santiago de Chile, July 23, 2010 (CCC News) - The image of a southern right whale jumping over a small sailing vessel off the coast of South Africa, visited the front pages and headlines the world after the incident was captured on Images and video by passengers on board other ships nearby.
After the break the neck as a result of impact, passengers of the sailboat, Paloma Werner and Ralph Mothes, said count themselves lucky not to have suffered major injuries or missing the boat. However, the incident is a reminder of the importance of regulatory measures to avoid such encounters with whales.
According to Werner and Mothes, spotted the first whale about 100 yards away and thought that it would sail under the ship, when suddenly came the huge animal several feet of water landing on the side of the sea and disappearing ship later under the water. However, after the first sighting of the whale the couple made a basic maneuver to avoid collisions between whales and marine vessels, such as the maintenance of the engine running in neutral. This is because one of the main sensory receptors of the whales is not the vision but the sound. Adapted over millions of years to the marine environment - where often scarce visibility and light - the whales use sound to navigate, communicate and find food, among others.
Additionally, the Department of Environmental Affairs of South Africa, launched an investigation after several eyewitnesses reported that the ship violated the regulations closer to the whales, which provide a minimum of 300 meters between marine vessels and whales.
To Elsa Cabrera, executive director of the Center for Cetacean Conservation (CCC), "the accident is a reminder of the urgent need to properly regulate the whale watching tourism in Chile in order to avoid situations that may threaten both tourists and to cetaceans observed. " Cabrera recalled that in 2009, the Undersecretary of Fisheries coordinated a multidisciplinary working group to develop a general regulation for the whale watching in Chile. The initiative was born after the adoption of the law to protect cetaceans 20 293 which was adopted unanimously after the campaign "Chile 2008, Whale Sanctuary" by CCC, Ecoceanos Center and the National Confederation of Artisanal Fishermen of Chile, (CONAPACH .) Under the law to protect cetaceans, or law cetaceans, whale watching activities of these marine mammals in the country should be governed by a regulation with measures to ensure passenger safety, long-term sustainability of the activity, protection of cetaceans observed and the consolidation of the country's emerging tourist destination for whale watching high-quality worldwide, among others.
According to Cabrera, who participated actively in the working group formed by the Undersecretary of Fishing, "the regulation was not enough to be adopted by the government of former President Bachelet which corresponds to the current president's administration, Sebastián Piñera, implement its approval and implementation. Hopefully this will happen shortly in order to start the summer season 2011 with regulations for the proper sighting of these giants marine and have the tools necessary to prevent events like the one in South Africa. "
Link: http://www.ccc-chile.org/
July 24th, 2010
It is forbidden to observe the whales from helicopters
SANTO DOMINGO. Whale watching, like any human activity has a negative impact on the environment. But the positive effects outweigh those potential damages. In addition to economic benefits, provides for learning about these majestic animals and constitutes the most persuasive argument against commercial whaling. That does not mean, however, that we should not regulate the practice of observation. If we do not follow a strict protocol governing this productive activity, the impact would compromise the reproductive success of the species and, therefore, the observation program. I thank the people and institutions who have sent me relevant information on the management of whale sanctuary. I quote from the letter sent to us by Dr. Idelisa Bonnelly of FUNDEMAS. "The case of the Sanctuary of La Plata and Samaná (SMMRD), the most important breeding area for whales of the Northwest Atlantic where the activity of whale watching with considerable success, the problem is not lack of regulation. There is a manual of best practices for both precise and distinct places according to the excursion regime, but this is not always implemented effectively. It needs more qualified personnel, surveillance boats, communication equipment etc.. Finally, resources can be obtained relatively easily. But perhaps most important is to implement a permanent plan of management of the sanctuary, and not just manage ecotourism when whales are present independently, and to ensure this is taken into account other activities that may affect whales and their habitats., assess impacts, planning, etc.. " The Environment Ministry sent me for the 2010 regulations. It is important that these regulations will spread, between nationals and tourists so that visitors whales enforce it strictly. The pressure of a conscious public can mitigate the shortcomings in implementing the regulation. Only authorized Environment boats can do whale watching in the sanctuary. No more than three boats for whale or pod of whales. The distance between the boat and the whale should be 270 feet (80 meters), in the case of the mother and calf, and 165 feet (50 meters) for the others. Ships waiting must be 250 meters from the observation area and with the engines in neutral. Comments are not allowed more than 30 minutes with a group of whales in the area of observation. The speed of the whale watching boats after Cayo Levantado, shall not exceed five knots on. No vessel will allow passengers to enter the water with the whales. It is strictly forbidden to swim and / or diving with whales. Vessels should avoid excessive speed or sudden changes in speed or direction. Boats must maintain a parallel movement in the same direction and speed of the whales. You are not allowed to cross in front of a whale is resting and / or swimming. The aircraft should not fly on whales and / or dolphins or should fly lower than 1,000 meters high while maintaining a maximum horizontal distance of 1,000 meters from the whale. No comments are allowed whales from helicopters. Those who try to be as close as possible to the whales because they want a lot, I remind you that there is love that kills. It needs more qualified personnel, surveillance boats, communication equipment etc..
July 20th, 2010
Visit of the Steve Erwin to Italy
The Steve Irwin arrived in La Spezia, Italy, for a brief visit and a fundraising event. The crew was greeted with a huge banner of welcome.This marks the first time a Sea Shepherd ship has arrived in Italy. Our support base is growing and Italian Sea Shepherd welcomes this opportunity to meet our fans and to enter the vessel Sea Shepherd Conservation Society in Italy.The Steve Irwin is scheduled to depart from La Spezia on 19 July and browse Monaco to Barcelona, Spain, July 23.
JULY 20TH, 2010
Consequences of oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico: numbers and statistics
It is rumored that the perpetrators of the oil spill in the Gulf celebrated the beginning of the World Cup because this will take your attention to a major ecocide in history. For the same reason we have decided to intensify Ecoosfera our coverage of this disaster and what better way to do it to collect a selection of hard data and numbers that allow us to size the current state of this sad scenario. Faced with the lack of BP and U.S. authorities to halt the biggest oil spill in history, and thus contain the ecological devastation that is causing the hard facts begin to emerge, despite efforts to block BP dissemination, and thus we realize the consequences this will involve environmental disaster. British Petroleum has spent more than 50 million dollars just in advertising counteract their miserable role in this tragedy (something even reprimanded by President Obama). Among other things have intimidated those who try to register the consequences around the spill area, and bought keywords on Google to manipulate the information landscape in front of users looking to learn about the situation in the Gulf of Mexico and the surrounding affected . Ecoosfera brings you some of the most relevant statistics about the environmental consequences of this monumental tragedy The Spill 3.400 million liters Approximate quantity of oil released until June 11 5,000 barrels Daily amount of oil dumped into the sea in the Gulf of Mexico * New estimates suggest a figure of between 40,000 and 60,000 barrels per day 11.300 miles Distance to traverse the oil spill if placed in a straight strip Consequences 4.800 km2 Area covered by oil spillage 400 Number of species threatened by ecocide (crocodiles, deer, foxes, whales, tuna, shrimp, and birds) 25 million Number of birds at risk who cross the Gulf of Mexico 11 Number of BP employees dead or missing since the explosion 12.000 Jobs lost in Louisiana because of environmental spill BP, cleaning, and legislation Mdd 560 Well worth Deepwater Horizon 12.500 mdd Cost to clean up spilled oil Mdd 1.500 Cost to insurers previously contracted by BP to face "unexpectedly" 400 Number of projects approved illicit oil in the Gulf of Mexico 436.000 gallons Amount of solvent discharged to "cleanse" the area
July 17th, 2010
Whale population on the verge of extinction in the North Pacific
Paris (AFP). A small population of whales, between 28 and 31 whales, was enumerated in the North Pacific by American scientists that highlight their greater vulnerability, directly linked to excessive hunting Soviet-sixties.
The team led by Paul Wade fishering Alaska Science Center, whose works are published in the journal Biology Letters, the population census eastern North Pacific right whales (Eubalaena japonica) and considered that there would be twenty males and eight females.
The low number of females makes uncertain the future of this species.
This discovery confirms the opinion of the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), which qualified for this population "endangered", ie with fewer than 50 individuals.
Another population of right whales live west of the North Pacific. Dangerous, and, according to estimates, has fewer than 900 individuals. The two populations have no contact with each other, scientists stress.
The North Pacific right whale was widely exploited in the nineteenth century whaling and illegal fishing by the Soviet Union in the sixties
These whales are threatened by sea transport, particularly for collisions with ships.
July 16th, 2010
Another oil spill polluted the river Teaone
emeralds | Sunday 11/07/2010
An oil spill affected, again, the river Teaone in Esmeraldas. La descarga de crudo tuvo su origen en la Refinería Estatal. The oil shock had its origin in the state refinery. "It was a thick and dense that it was dissolving slowly to become lighter," said Jhoao Quintero, neighbor Propicia 4.
At 16:00 yesterday, the pond and the river still covered with the oil. In the sector smelled a strong odor of gasoline.
Refinery representatives refused to give statements. Up to press time not determined the amount of oil that was spilled.
Unofficially it was learned that the spill originated in one of the oil storage tanks. The waste collection system was also overwhelmed by oil, which crossed the channel discharges into the river Teaone.
"The contingency plan of the refinery was not activated and no action was time to stop spreading on the bed of the river, so this disaster has occurred," said John Montano, a resident of one of the neighborhoods.
At 16:00 yesterday, the pond and the river still covered with the oil. In the sector smelled a strong odor of gasoline.
Refinery representatives refused to give statements. Up to press time not determined the amount of oil that was spilled.
Unofficially it was learned that the spill originated in one of the oil storage tanks. The waste collection system was also overwhelmed by oil, which crossed the channel discharges into the river Teaone.
"The contingency plan of the refinery was not activated and no action was time to stop spreading on the bed of the river, so this disaster has occurred," said John Montano, a resident of one of the neighborhoods.
A study by the Ministry of Environment established in 2008, this river is one of the most polluted.
Technical industrial plant to put a thin barrier height Propicia 1.That measure could not prevent crude continues downstream to reach the river mouth. The districts most affected were the Tolita 1, Tulips, La Concorde and the favorable 1, 2 and 4.
The inhabitants of these districts use river water for bathing and washing mainly.
“Estamos en peligro”, aseguró Liliana N., una niña de 11 años, que vive en La Propicia 4. "We are in danger," said Liliana N., a 11 year old girl who lives in La Promotes 4.
Para ella, la diversión en el río junto con sus amigos, es solo un recuerdo. For her, the fun at the river with his friends, is just a memory. Hace dos años, sus padres la prohibieron bañarse en el afluente, por la contaminación. Two years ago, her parents forbade bathing in the stream, by pollution.
While she spoke, Quintero did not conceal his indignation. "We are tired of so much pollution and the authorities do not act to stop this attack on our health."
This year is the third oil spill that is generated in the refinery and affects Teaone. The first occurred in February and the second in March.
In neither case were punished for environmental damage. Juan Montano, director of environmental management in the Municipality of Esmeraldas, acknowledged that there have been addressed in complaints to the Ministry of Environment.
In previous spills, the council collected samples of contaminated water to support the reports that were sent to the Ministry of Environment.
Technical industrial plant to put a thin barrier height Propicia 1.That measure could not prevent crude continues downstream to reach the river mouth. The districts most affected were the Tolita 1, Tulips, La Concorde and the favorable 1, 2 and 4.
The inhabitants of these districts use river water for bathing and washing mainly.
“Estamos en peligro”, aseguró Liliana N., una niña de 11 años, que vive en La Propicia 4. "We are in danger," said Liliana N., a 11 year old girl who lives in La Promotes 4.
Para ella, la diversión en el río junto con sus amigos, es solo un recuerdo. For her, the fun at the river with his friends, is just a memory. Hace dos años, sus padres la prohibieron bañarse en el afluente, por la contaminación. Two years ago, her parents forbade bathing in the stream, by pollution.
While she spoke, Quintero did not conceal his indignation. "We are tired of so much pollution and the authorities do not act to stop this attack on our health."
This year is the third oil spill that is generated in the refinery and affects Teaone. The first occurred in February and the second in March.
In neither case were punished for environmental damage. Juan Montano, director of environmental management in the Municipality of Esmeraldas, acknowledged that there have been addressed in complaints to the Ministry of Environment.
In previous spills, the council collected samples of contaminated water to support the reports that were sent to the Ministry of Environment.
July 14th, 2010
The problems of oil exploration in deep waters
Link: http://tinyurl.com/28xcufv
Spill threatens millions of birds
The oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico , which began after the collapse of the rig Deepwater Horizon by British Petroleum (BP) remains uncontrolled and now threatens a large number of birds begin to arrive in the region coming weeks.
"In the coming months will see between 40 and 50 million birds flying to the Gulf of Mexico," said David White, director of the Conservation Service of Natural Resources of the U.S. , in an interview with the BBC.
Although most birds select sites far from the coast to breed and build their nest, many birds come to the beaches in search of food, where it is filled with oil.
To reduce the risk to the millions of ducks, herons, and geese caradrinos, the authorities implemented a strategy to lure the birds: paid to farmers in five states in the U.S. to flood their fields and, thus, creating lakes or constructed wetlands to attract birds to prevent them from going to the contaminated areas.
The intention is to try to save as many birds as possible. "For this, we are trying to create between 40 000 and 60 000 hectares of new wetlands," said White.
Farmers who accept flood their lands sign a three-year contract, time will the strategy. Meanwhile, authorities estimate that to maintain wetlands will require $ 20 million.
So far, about 800 birds have been treated in rehabilitation centers in the Gulf of Mexico and 250 were returned to their habitat. But more likely is that birds are coming not bear the same fate by being smaller, making it difficult to clean. (DVM)
July 10th, 2010
Whale Warrior “Captain Pete Bethune” Free to Return Home
On January 6, 2010, Captain Hiroyuki Komura of the illegal Japanese whaling vessel the Shonan Maru #2 deliberately rammed and destroyed Sea Shepherd Conservation Society’s vessel, the Ady Gil. Captain Komura almost killed six Sea Shepherd volunteer crewmembers and did not respond to the Ady Gil’s mayday distress signal. Japanese authorities refused to cooperate in investigations and declined requests by Australian and New Zealand maritime authorities to question Captain Komura.
Instead, Captain Peter Bethune, the man who Captain Komura almost killed and whose ship was destroyed, was taken back to Japan literally as a prisoner of war abducted from the waters of the Australian Antarctic Territory. Captain Bethune was incarcerated for boarding the ship that had rammed and destroyed his ship, when he had every right to board that vessel to confront Captain Komura face-to-face for his crimes.Captain Komura should have been the man on trial. He was not, because in the waters of the Southern Ocean Whale Sanctuary, might—rather than the law—makes right, and Captain Bethune was taken back to Japan to be made an example of and persecuted for defending the whales.
The verdict of the Japanese court was always to be “guilty.” Sea Shepherd was never under any illusion that Captain Bethune would be given a fair trial. In court, there was no discussion of the reason why Captain Bethune boarded the Shonan Maru #2, and Captain Komura was not called as a witness; in short, the court never allowed any evidence of the Ady Gil’s destruction to be heard.
Sea Shepherd spent in excess of half a million U.S. dollars on Captain Bethune’s defense, not because we believed he would be acquitted, but in an attempt to mitigate his sentence.
Captain Bethune was facing up to fifteen years in prison. He was sentenced to two years and he will be deported back to New Zealand on July 9th with his sentence suspended.
Captain Bethune’s mission was successful. His efforts helped save the lives of 528 whales. He was able to take one of the harpoon vessels off the hunt when it was forced to return him to Japan. Most importantly, he exposed the brutality and illegality of the Japanese whaling fleet to the world. When you’re willing to risk your life to save the whales, five months as a Japanese prisoner is a good trade-off for the lives saved.
Captain Bethune is a hero to the Save the Whales movement and he will be welcomed home to New Zealand as a national hero for having the courage to do what his government was fearful of doing—defending whales from the Japanese poachers in the Southern Ocean Whale Sanctuary.
Global support for Captain Bethune and negative publicity about Japan’s whaling program has led to this success. With Captain Bethune, the Japanese government was well aware that each day it held him would be a day that would generate protest against its abominable whale slaughter. This fact, coupled with protests over the showing of the Academy Award winning film “The Cove,” has helped to make the whale and dolphin slaughter the most embarrassing foreign affairs issue currently scandalizing the Japanese government.
The Japanese court acknowledged that Captain Bethune never intended to hurt anyone and was operating under his conviction to save whales from illegal whaling. The truth is that Japan wants Captain Bethune out of Japan and with the sentence suspended they can quickly send him home.
Sea Shepherd is proud of Captain Bethune’s achievements and satisfied with the results of this ridiculous trial that saw a man incarcerated for saving the lives of whales, yet ignored the crimes of a Japanese poacher who sank a ship and almost killed six conservationists.
Captain Bethune is free, and that is what matters. Sea Shepherd is free to return to the Southern Ocean again to defend the whales, and we intend to be even more effective next season than during our last highly effective season.
Captain Bethune is an inspiration in courage and dedication, and his efforts, his sacrifice, and his resolve will not be forgotten.
Link: http://www.seashepherd.org/
Sentenced to two years in jail an activist New Zealand
A New Zealander activist addressed a Japanese whaling vessel in a bid to avoid the annual hunt of whales in Japan has been sentenced to a term of two years in prison with parole, said Wednesday in court.
Pete Bethune, a former captain of the ship 'Ady Gil' of the environmental organization Sea Shepherd, was charged in April last several criminal charges, including carrying a knife when they boarded the whaling ship.Repeated attempts by the anti-whaling organization Sea Shepherd Conservation Society to stop the annual hunt of marine mammals have raised hackles in Japan, whose government says whaling is an important cultural tradition.
Japan, one of the three countries continuing whaling, says its hunts are cientíticos purposes and is entitled to observe the impact of cetaceans in fishing industry. This aims to circumvent the moratorium since 1986 to hunt whales for commercial purposes.
Australia , New Zealand and other nations want to ban all hunting of whales. Last May, the Australian Government filed a complaint against Japan before the International Court of Justice in The Hague to stop scientific whaling in the Antarctic Ocean.
Japanese hunters captured 500 whales near the Antarctic this season, just over half of its goal of 900, after holding several run-ins with environmentalists. Japón asegura que esta actividad forma parte de la investigación necesaria para entender los ciclos vitales de las ballenas. Japan claims that this activity is part of the research needed to understand the life cycles of whales.
July 7, 2010
They ask the CBI to maintain the ban on whale hunting
Whales worth more alive than dead, Rodrigo Garcia also explained Pingaro, director of the Organization for Conserv
Agadir, Morocco, June 24 - 75 tour operators, whale watching in Latin America and the Caribbean, including 13 Dominicans, filed a petition before the 62nd annual meeting of the International Whaling Commission (IWC) to maintain the ban commercial hunting of these animals.
The statement stresses that in the past 15 years, whale watching tourism in Latin America has grown steadily, reaching 1.4 million the number of observers and generating in total over 278 million dollars.
"Whale watching is conducted in a responsible manner that demonstrates an alternative there is no need to inflict cruelty to these beautiful animals to generate profits. The voice of those who benefit from whale tourism has never been heard in the IWC and this is an effort by noting that the tour operators should be part of the process of discussion at the IWC, "said Marcela Vargas, the World Society for the Protection of Animals (WSPA), one of the organizations that promoted the document.Liliana Betancourt, research scientist for the Conservation Center for Ecodevelopment of Samana Bay and its environment (CEBS), said that in the Dominican Republic takes place more whale watching tourism in the region of the Caribbean: "In the Bay Samana operate 43 ships and about 10 tour operators which offer travel to more than 25,000 tourists a year who come from different parts of the world during the season. The impact of whale watching activity is essential for the country and offers significant socio-economic benefits for coastal communities. "
Whales worth more alive than dead, Rodrigo Garcia also explained Pingaro, director of the Organization for the Conservation of Cetáceso (OCC) of Uruguay and Fellow of Ashoka. "Not only for its ecological and environmental value, currently collected two billion dollars annually in the world for whale watching, also for the educational benefits that generate awareness about marine conservation integral, its heritage value and historic."
The statement was promoted from civil society organizations and advocates the conservation of whales as resources that have revitalized communities of the countries of Latin America. The rest of the companies that signed the declaration operating in Venezuela, Argentina, Nicaragua, Uruguay, Brazil, Costa Rica and Ecuador.
The World Society for the Protection of Animals (World Society for the Protection of Animals, WSPA) is the world's largest network comprising 1,000 member companies in 153 countries and a large community of individuals around the world working for the welfare of animals. Through its status as a consultant on United Nations (UN) and the European Council, the WSPA seeks to build a global movement on the issue of animal welfare to implement our vision: "To promote a world where animal welfare is of transcendence and animal cruelty ends. "
June 25th, 2010
Sea Shepherd Steve Irwin Rammed by Blufin Vessel
The ship conservationist Steve Irwin of the Sea Shepherd was rammed by a fishing boat aggressively tuna off the coast of Libya.while the shepherd is cut the nets caught bluefin tuna, Tuna Rosaria ship Steve Irwin hits the port stern sliding down the banisters of the boat as a fisherman was violently assaulting the crew of steve irwin with a stick and a hook .At 1530 hours, the two fishing vessels were circling around their cages on the defensive and the Sea Shepherd ship Steve Irwin stopped to notify the ICCAT (International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas), of possible violations . But they did not respond.
Whalers Wary of Sea Shepherds
Japanese research whaling ship the Nisshin Maru, her hull stained by red marks left protests by environmental group Sea Shephered. Japanese whaling ships left Shimonoseki and Onomichi harbors Wednesday to catch 260 whales over the next seven weeks. (Jiji Press/Getty Images )
“We will be more careful than ever," said an official from the Japanese government-affiliated Institute of Cetacean Research that owns the ships, reported Japanese media.
On a previous trip, that ran from November to April, a group of Japanese whaling ships encountered Sea Shepherd Conservation Society vessels in the Antarctic Ocean. During these encounters Sea Shepherd try to hinder the whaling activities in a way “comparable with the actions of a coastguard to force a ship to stop its activities,” says the group's website.
One Sea Shepherd captain, Pete Bethune, has been in prison in Tokyo since March 12. The charges come after an incident last January in which Bethune's ship the Ady Gil was rammed and sunk by Japanese whaling vessel Shonan Maru No. 2. Bethune is facing what the Sea Shepherd calls "an array of amped-up politically-motivated charges with potentially severe penalties" including trespassing, possession of a weapon, injury to a person, property damage, and interference with normal business activity. His final hearing is set for June 10.
Latin American bloc opposes lifting ban on commercial whaling
On 20 May representatives of the governments of Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, the Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Mexico, Panama, Peru and Uruguay — the so-called Group of Buenos Aires (GBA) — along with representatives of the governments of El Salvador, Honduras and Venezuela, reached consensus on a joint position on the future of the IWC and thus whaling.
They clearly rejected the proposal by the chair of the IWC – a proposal that de facto would be the end of the 24-year ban on commercial whaling.
In a statement the GBA declared their commitment to maintaining the moratorium on commercial hunting of whales, the promotion of non-lethal use, and having respect for the integrity of whale sanctuaries recognized by the IWC.
“We are very pleased that the GBA has reached this position. It sends a very strong signal to all the IWC member states that commercial whaling should be permanently consigned to the history books,” WSPA campaigner Joanna Toole said.
Lobbying paid off
Prior to the GBA meeting, WSPA tirelessly and successfully lobbied the GBA member countries to reject the IWC proposal.“The GBA is raising the voice of Latin America with courage, and being strongly and clearly in favour of the world’s whales. It is a moment of celebration, but also a moment to continue working on behalf of these beautiful animals, which deserve to swim free in the seas. We applaud the decision,” said Marcela Vargas on behalf of WSPA Latin America.
Saving the whaling ban
WSPA will continue working hard to lobby governments before June to derail this dangerous deal, and instead encourage a healthy focus on the IWC’s future as a body to manage whale conservation and whale watching.Meanwhile Norway, alongside Japan and Iceland, is pushing hard for the moratorium to be lifted.
Australia Begin denounces to Japan whaling
Tokyo .- Australia lodged a complaint with the International Court of Justice to end whale hunting practiced by Japan in the Antarctic, Japanese officials announced Tuesday."We were informed that Australia lodged a complaint before the ICJ concerning the scientific whale hunt. We will discuss how to respond," said a senior Japanese Fisheries Agency."I think it is extremely regrettable," said Hirofumi Hirano, government spokesman.Japan hunts every year hundreds of whales in the name of "scientific research", adopted by the International Whaling Commission (IWC), which prohibits commercial whaling change since 1986.Japanese authorities claim that this is an ancient cultural tradition, an argument rejected above all by the activists of the association of environmental protection Sea Shepherd and its Canadian founder Paul Watson, who harass each year the activities of the Japanese fleet in the Antarctic.
Legal Action Against Japanese Whaling s
Australia announced Friday that it will take Japan to the International Court of Justice to argue that the country’s annual killing of whales in the Antarctic Ocean violates international obligations, in a major escalation of its campaign against the hunt.
The decision to take legal action against an important trading partner underlines Australia’s “commitment to bring to an end Japan’s program of so-called scientific whaling” in the southern seas, Environment Minister Peter Garrett and Attorney General Robert McClelland said in a statement. Japan contends that it harpoons hundreds of whales each year for scientific research.
Australia to withdraw from Japan to The Hague to stop whaling
The Australian Environment Minister, Peter Garrett, told local television that his government will submit the application early next week.
"Our intention is to stop hunting whales in the name of science in Antarctica," said Garret.
The decision of the Australian Executive occurs after failed bilateral negotiations with the authorities of Japan and in the framework of the International Whaling Commission.
In a statement, Australian Foreign Minister Stephen Smith, and Attorney Robert McClelland said that, despite the legal dispute, still keep Japan a major partner in economic and security in the region.
"The Governments of Australia and Japan have agreed that, whatever our differences over whaling, this matter must not impair the strength and commitment of our bilateral relations," they said in the note.
The Japanese government says its hunt the whales in Antarctica for scientific purposes is done under the permission of the International Whaling Commission, while the authorities of Australia and New Zealand consider that the reason is purely commercial.
Japan abandoned whaling in 1986 by the international moratorium, but resumed in 1987 on grounds that the environmental scientists believe a cover and qualify as "lethal research."
Niponas authorities do not deny the evidence that the whale meat collected by the harpoon, which are engraved in large letters the word "Research" (research) on their helmets, is sold at very affordable prices in restaurants in Japan.
This week in Tokyo began the trial of a New Zealand environmentalist, Peter Bethune, who is accused of approaching a ship of the Japanese whaling fleet in Antarctica.
Bethune, the environmental group Sea Shepherd, faces a sentence of up to 15 years in prison, which could come in mid-June.
Ecologist, 45, boarded the ship last February Japanese "Shonan Maru 2" and cut the net that protected the ship to protest the killing of whales.
The Japanese whalers plan to hunt this year about a thousand copies.
Other countries that hunt whales and dolphins for meat are Norway and Iceland and the Faroe Islands and Greenland (Denmark dependent). EFE EFE
"Our intention is to stop hunting whales in the name of science in Antarctica," said Garret.
The decision of the Australian Executive occurs after failed bilateral negotiations with the authorities of Japan and in the framework of the International Whaling Commission.
In a statement, Australian Foreign Minister Stephen Smith, and Attorney Robert McClelland said that, despite the legal dispute, still keep Japan a major partner in economic and security in the region.
"The Governments of Australia and Japan have agreed that, whatever our differences over whaling, this matter must not impair the strength and commitment of our bilateral relations," they said in the note.
The Japanese government says its hunt the whales in Antarctica for scientific purposes is done under the permission of the International Whaling Commission, while the authorities of Australia and New Zealand consider that the reason is purely commercial.
Japan abandoned whaling in 1986 by the international moratorium, but resumed in 1987 on grounds that the environmental scientists believe a cover and qualify as "lethal research."
Niponas authorities do not deny the evidence that the whale meat collected by the harpoon, which are engraved in large letters the word "Research" (research) on their helmets, is sold at very affordable prices in restaurants in Japan.
This week in Tokyo began the trial of a New Zealand environmentalist, Peter Bethune, who is accused of approaching a ship of the Japanese whaling fleet in Antarctica.
Bethune, the environmental group Sea Shepherd, faces a sentence of up to 15 years in prison, which could come in mid-June.
Ecologist, 45, boarded the ship last February Japanese "Shonan Maru 2" and cut the net that protected the ship to protest the killing of whales.
The Japanese whalers plan to hunt this year about a thousand copies.
Other countries that hunt whales and dolphins for meat are Norway and Iceland and the Faroe Islands and Greenland (Denmark dependent). EFE EFE
Captain Pete Bethune’s Trial Starts Today
The criminal trial against Sea Shepherd Conservation Society volunteer Captain Pete Bethune began in Tokyo on May 27. Captain Bethune was arrested in March and remains in maximum-security detention in Tokyo. He was detained after boarding the Japanese whaling vessel Shonan Maru 2 in February to protest the sinking of Sea Shepherd’s vessel Ady Gil (which he captained) as well as Japan’s illegal whaling operations. He faces several charges, including trespassing and property damage.Contrary to the many inaccurate media reports currently circulating, Captain Bethune has not pled “guilty” to the charges he’s currently facing. If that were the case, there would be no need for a trial. While it is true that Captain Bethune concedes many of the facts related to his charges (such as boarding the Shonan Maru 2 which are of public record), this is not the same as admitting “guilt.” Japan does not do "pleas" in the way U.S. criminal law operates.
Captain Bethune boarded the Shonan Maru 2 to present the captain of that vessel with a three million dollar invoice for damages arising from the Shonan Maru 2’s destruction of the vessel Ady Gil. Bethune also boarded the vessel in an effort to stop it from slaughtering more whales, and his actions did cause the Shonan Maru 2 to prematurely withdraw from the illegal whaling operation in the Southern Ocean Whale Sanctuary.
Sea Shepherd’s Seattle-based law firm, Harris & Moure, will have two of its lawyers in Tokyo during the trial both to assist Bethune’s Japanese defense team and to explain Sea Shepherd’s position regarding the trial and Japan’s illegal whaling operations. Harris & Moure’s Managing Partner, Dan Harris, will be available in Tokyo for media questions beginning on May 26 and throughout the trial.
Steve Dickinson, who heads Harris & Moure’s Asia practice out of Qingdao, China, will be at the trial both as a translator and as a liaison to Sea Shepherd in the United States. Mr. Dickinson began his legal career with a prominent Tokyo law firm and is fluent in Japanese.
The Bob Barker Goes Dutch
The Dutch Stand Strong in the Face of Demands from Japan
In the face of incredible political and economic pressure from Japan, the Netherlands has not only refused the Japanese demand to strike the Dutch flag from our ship the Steve Irwin, they have now officially registered our ship the Bob Barker under the Dutch flag.
Since 2005, pressure from the Japanese government has cost us the flags of Canada, Great Britain, the Cayman Islands, Togo, and Belize. Without any reason given, we were simply informed that our flags were struck. Belize cancelled our registration after only 19 days in December 2007.
The Dutch registrar told us from the beginning that the Netherlands did not take its orders from Tokyo. We have enjoyed the honor of the Dutch flag since 2008 on the Farley Mowat and the Steve Irwin, and now also proud to fly the Dutch flag on the Bob Barker.
In 2009, the Japanese Prime Minister communicated directly with the Prime Minister of the Netherlands to appeal for the removal of the Dutch flag. Despite this very high level request, the Dutch registry did not submit.
The Sea Shepherd Conservation Society has not been charged with any maritime or criminal infraction by the Netherlands for our efforts to protect and defend marine wildlife on the high seas. The Netherlands will not strike a flag from a Dutch ship on the basis of political pressure.
This is much different from Britain and Canada, where the flag was struck at the first whining request from Tokyo. Belize, Togo, and the Cayman Islands were not much of a surprise to us. We had thought that Britain at least had some remnant of maritime pride, but apparently not.
And thus the Sea Shepherd fleet will henceforth be exclusively Dutch and it is a tricolor that we will fly with pride in recognition of the integrity of the Netherlands and their refusal to be coerced for political reasons by a nation ruthlessly and illegally slaughtering whales in the Southern Ocean Whale Sanctuary.
With the Dutch government we know we have the backing of a registry with integrity. We made a mistake with the Ady Gil, a vessel that sailed under the flag of New Zealand with a New Zealand captain and crew.
On January 6th, the Japanese harpoon vessel Shonan Maru 2 deliberately rammed and destroyed the Ady Gil and almost killed six crewmembers. That Japanese captain has not been questioned by anyone for this crime. Instead the Kiwi skipper of the Ady Gil has been held as a prisoner of war by the Japanese ever since. He goes on trial this week, facing multiple years in prison for daring to board the ship that destroyed his ship to confront the captain of the Shonan Maru 2 man-to-man. Australia and New Zealand both say that the investigation is dead in the water because of Japan’s refusal to cooperate. Yet at Japan’s request, Australia is investigating complaints against Sea Shepherd.
If the Ady Gil had been registered in the Netherlands we would not now be dealing with the cowardly actions of the New Zealand government. Our case would be backed by the integrity of a government whose soul has not been bought and paid for by Japan.
Thank-you from the international volunteer crew of the Sea Shepherd ships Steve Irwin and Bob Barker to the people of the Netherlands for both the courage to back our flag and for the vision to understand that if we are to save the world’s oceans, we will have to take responsible aggressive action.
Both Sea Shepherd ships will return under the colors of the Netherlands to the Southern Ocean in December 2010 to once again pursue and intervene against the unlawful actions of the Japanese whaling fleet.
Gulf Rescue Campaign
Sea Shepherd announces campaign to save marine wildlife in the Gulf of Mexico
The Sea Shepherd Conservation Society is calling upon all able organizations to join us in sending vessels with trained crew to support large-scale efforts in the Gulf of Mexico to rescue oiled sea birds, turtles, and other marine species. Together we have the resources, skills, experience, and passion to make a huge difference in the number of lives and species that can be saved from this disastrous oil spill. We can provide the offshore facilities needed to complement onshore rescue efforts for the finding, capture, treatment, and transport of marine animals viable for rescue.
“Sea Shepherd and other organizations have ships,” said Captain Paul Watson. “These groups, as well as governments and corporations, have resources. We need to mobilize these resources now. This is going to be a long, dirty, and fatiguing process, but we must act, and we must act now.”
Although the Sea Shepherd's Steve Irwin is en route to the Mediterranean to defend bluefin tuna from poachers for Operation Blue Rage, and the Bob Barker is in Tasmania, we are now working to secure a third ship in Europe to bring to the Gulf to address this disaster. Our crew will be fully trained in HazMat and rescue operations on land and sea, and we will be able to accommodate experts and equipment needed to search for, capture, and rescue oiled marine life in the Gulf. We will work with BP, local fishermen, and the U.S. government to support their efforts and those of other approved personnel and nongovernment organizations. We will need donations of fuel, supplies, dispersants, cleaning detergents, towels, blankets, and we need volunteer crew, especially volunteers with experience in rescuing and cleaning birds and animals contaminated with oil. (NOTE: anyone interested in donating supplies or services, please email: gulfrescue@seashepherd.org)
Our ships and dedicated volunteers have accomplished amazing feats through the years, but this disaster in the Gulf needs more than we alone can give. The Sea Shepherd Conservation Society is appealing for cooperation and assistance from additional nonprofit organizations, governments, corporations, and all concerned individuals. While we will work with the U.S. Government and BP to support their efforts, we are also appealing to them for help with coordinating equipment, qualified personnel, and onshore facilities to complement our offshore work, and to help expedite appropriate clearances for us and other organizations who can bring unique and truly helpful expertise and equipment to help with these rescue efforts.
Sea Shepherd welcomes donations from the public for our “Gulf Rescue Campaign” to help us rescue and protect marine wildlife and habitats. Charity Navigator has recognized Sea Shepherd with a 4-star rating indicating that it is amongst the best nonprofits when it comes to responsible fiscal management and effective use of funds for campaigns.
Sea Shepherd
Welcome to the Dominican Blog to support the Sea Shepherds, I Hope you join usand made part of this Whales War and Wildlife war
Who We Are
Sea Shepherd's Mission Statement
Established in 1977, Sea Shepherd Conservation Society (SSCS) is an international non-profit, marine wildlife conservation organization. Our mission is to end the destruction of habitat and slaughter of wildlife in the world's oceans in order to conserve and protect ecosystems and species.Sea Shepherd uses innovative direct-action tactics to investigate, document, and take action when necessary to expose and confront illegal activities on the high seas. By safeguarding the biodiversity of our delicately-balanced ocean ecosystems, Sea Shepherd works to ensure their survival for future
Latin American countries opposed to whaling meet in Costa Rica
Eleven Latin American countries, advocates of a total ban on whaling, meet on Tuesday in Costa Rica to define its position at the next conference of the International Whaling Commission (IWC).
The IWC is held in June in Agadir, Morocco, it’s the 62nd annual conference as part of a bitter dispute between the Japanese, ardent defenders of “scientific” whaling, and Australians and Latin Americans who want to ban it altogether.
“Our country has a strong conservation position against whaling, which is noted by the hosting this meeting,” said Costa Rica Scientific commissioner to the IWC, Javier Rodriguez.
The three-day event, which will consist of the 11 Latin American countries of the IWC conservation that make up the so-called Group of Buenos Aires, will be opened by the Deputy Minister of Environment of Costa Rica, Ana Lorena Guevara, and assisted by the chairman of the CBI, the Chilean Cristián Maquieira.
On Monday in San Jose there was a parallel meeting of Latin American environmental groups to define a joint position on this subject that has caused much friction among the 88 countries of the IWC.
On the 22nd of April the Commission issued a proposal that Tokyo would have to reduce by three quarters the number of whales they catch, but the initiative is not without controversy, as it involves concessions to Japan and other countries supporting the hunting of animals.
However, Maquieira believes that this project involves an improvement, as maintaining the status quo “is not feasible.”
The Group is composed of Buenos Aires Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Costa Rica, Chile, Ecuador, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Peru and Uruguay.